MSP Hardware Purchasing: Eye-opening Statistics You Need to Know 2025

Interesting statistics on MSP Hardware purchasing as well as common service provider statistics will be the focus of today's article. The only thing that excites me more than discussing hardware purchases as an MSP is documentation strategies.
I do tend to get pretty excited over one specific area though and it has to do with performance PC building, specifically custom water cooling projects.
Today however I will be straight up listing some common statistics that are interesting and may assist in giving you ideas on how to come up with the best hardware purchasing strategy for your organization.
While you are here, Take a look at some of our other I.T Consulting related articles below that may interest you:
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- 31% on average of an MSP budget is currently spent on Hardware Purchases.
- 57% of service providers will purchase from hardware vendors they have an existing relationship with.
- 42% of service providers prefer to purchase from a distributor over a manufacturer.
- 68% of service providers purchase from more than one primary server hardware vendor.
- 20% of service providers listed hardware purchasing as the most difficult part of their business.
- 56% of providers say they purchase from more than one main workstation manufacturer to reduce the chance of vendor lock in.
- Only 25% of providers willingly use more than one manufacturer when purchasing firewalls and networking equipment.
- If buying in bulk, service providers can usually obtain between 10 up to 20% discount on average.
- 52% of service providers consider the ability to expand via hardware upgrades as the most important feature of any hardware they want to purchase.
- 87% of managed service providers purchase brand new hardware exclusively.
- The average age of a rugged computer is 7 years versus 4 years for a standard PC.
- During Covid, 84% of service providers experienced significant hardware shipping delays when ordering computer hardware including PBX and VOIP equipment.
- 34% of service providers currently run Windows 11 as their primary desktop operating system.
- 46% of all MSPs run ConnectWise management software
- 62% of all service providers have experienced issues with retaining experienced technical staff.
- MSPs have the highest staff turnover rate of any industry with 13.2%
- 90% of service providers consider hardware automation as essential to being able to offer services (I want to know what the other 10% are on)
- 63% of MSPs consider themselves general purpose service providers including preferring generic hardware over specialist hardware such as Cisco.
- 18% of service providers considered themselves security hardware specialists (MSSP)
- 57% of support desk technicians worked over a holiday or weekend during the year.
- 32% of IT support staff had their vacation interrupted by a work request.
- 14% of technicians believed they had an optimum work life balance.
- Only 5% of service providers managed more than 15 thousand endpoints.
- 26% of technicians managed more than 750 hardware end points.
- 83% of service providers backup their clients' cloud applications this year versus 78% last year.
- 8% of service providers never undertake client test restores.
- 53% of service providers believe IT Documentation is the most important item for a PSA to integrate with.
- 61% intend to offer new services to current clients as their primary mode of growth in the next year.
- 47% of service providers believe that lack of sales and marketing is the biggest issue with obtaining new clients.
- 54% of service providers have added 1 to 3 new services in the past two years.
There are some surprising stats in the information above especially when it comes to purchasing hardware.
We have a number of other Documentation consulting related articles listed below that will provide you with more detailed information on a number of related topics:
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